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Wedgie Story
Chapter 10. Tony's Overall Bad Day.

Snoozing, Tony was sorta awake, but dozing off. It was early in the morning and he was waiting for his alarm to go off. His large body was only clad in a pair of Hanes tighty whities. He was wrapped up in his blankets. Rolling around here, readjusting location there. Eventually, his blanket fell off of him and was laying next to him. He was laying on his stomach just waiting for the alarm to go off. Just laying there, he was falling asleep again. Dreams of all you can eat buffets and computer games rolled around his head. Then, he thought he felt something. Nodding off again, his dreams continued. Then he realized what was happening. There was a pair of hands in the usual spot. Holding the back of his waistband. Grabbing it and yanking it up his back was his dad. Chuck had snuck into his room and was his alarm clock that day. Tony groaned as the white material made it to his neck.

"Time to get up!" Chuck laughed as he let go. The waistband snapped onto Tony's lower back. Moaning, he began to wiggle around and try to fix the wedgie. Getting up out of bed, he went and took a shower. Changing into a pair of blue jeans and a gray t-shirt, he went and had some breakfast. As he was sitting there, the other siblings were doing their things. Isaac was hopeless, Jeff was leaving already, and Eric wasn't eating because Jeff didn't eat. His dad was sitting at the table, reading a newspaper. Suddenly, he jumped up from his chair and yelled, "I'm late!" and began to rush. Going over to his wife, he kissed her and ran past the table. As he passed, Tony made a quick grab for Chuck's tighty whities, but missed. Standing up, he packed his backpack, grabbed his car keys and headed toward the door.

The whole way, Isaac moaned, "Wait for me!" Just before Tony drove away, Isaac hopped into the car and they went to school. The drive there was silent, which was good because Tony was pretty tired that day. He yawned every few minutes. As they got to the parking lot, Tony parked next to his friend Carl. He was a little shorter than Tony, but was the same size. He was always known for his elastic waist pants and these goggles he always wore.

"Hey Tony! How you doing?" He asked as they walked into the school.

"Tired," Tony said with a loud yawn.

"Well, I have to stop at my locker and get something!" Carl said as he ran off. His pants seemed to be falling down, but Carl managed to pull them back up. Tony continued to walk at his slow pace. He stopped at a little school store to buy a bagel. Continuing down the hall, he turned down a hall that he knew Carl was going to be in. Carl was in the middle of the floor, trying to pick up papers that he must have dropped. He was kneeling so that his profile was visible from where Tony was. That's when one of the football players was walking down the hall on the other side of Carl.

As the man was walking, he looked at Carl and saw a white fabric coming out of his pants between the waistband of his pants and his shirt, which was shifted higher up his back. Smiling, he continued to walk forward. As he got closer, Tony turned and opened a locker and now couldn't see Carl. The man stopped behind Carl and reached down for his shirt. Flipping his shirt up so he could get a hold of his Fruit of the Loom waistband, he attacked. Latching onto this poor overweight nerd's undies, he pulled upwards with a lot of force. The leg holes snapped into Carl's butt and his balls were crushed immediately. The leg holes popped out of his pants so now his briefs were completely exposed. The jock continued to pull until Carl was being suspended off the ground by his underwear. Carl was screaming in pain, which had Tony slam his locker shut and run over to his aid.

"Hey! Let go of him!" Tony yelled. The jock was now bouncing Carl until the briefs ripped from the bottom and was pulled over his head. Laughing, the jock turned around and began to walk away.

Pissed off, Tony ran up over to him and pants him, revealing his blue boxer briefs. Then, grabbing his waistband, he launched his underwear into the air, he yelped in pain. He also elbowed backwards into Tony's gut. He lost his breath and fell onto the ground on his stomach. Carl was still on the ground himself in pain, so he couldn't help Tony. That's when Tony forgot to wear a belt that day and his pants were already sagging. His shirt was flipped up and his Hanes tighty whities were visible. After the jock fixed his wedgie and pulled his pants up, he grabbed Tony's shirt and flipped it over his head. At this point, Carl was in his locker, grabbed something and ran to the bathroom. Yelling down the hall to his friends, the jock managed to get more people to help.

Two guys grabbed Tony's arms and two more grabbed his legs. Tony couldn't see anything so he didn't know what was happening. Then he heard the jock say something.

"Grab that other kid Carl and rig the pole for two."

Tony began to struggle and get out of the guy's grips, but nothing worked. He was being carried somewhere but he didn't know where. Then, he felt a breeze, which meant they were outside. Eventually, he was put down, but now one of the other guys were holding his arms and someone took his shirt off of his head. Well, took his shirt off completely. They were next to the flagpole. Next to him was also Carl, who was shirtless as well.

"Now, for disrespecting the order of things and disrespecting me, you disrespected the football team. Now, you will both get punished."

As the jock spoke, both Tony and Carl were lifted onto the bricks holding the flag pole in place. Tony felt putting a something in the back of his underwear and tying a rope to it. It must have been a tennis ball.

"But Carl isn't wearing any underwear!" Tony spat out.

"Actually, I had a spare in my locker and changed. I must have changed too soon," Carl said letting out a sigh. The jocks then tied their hands together and took their shoes and pants off. That left them in their socks and tighty whities.

"Now! You will feel the wrath of the Football team!"

At that moment the ropes were pulled by half of the football team. Both boy's felt an immense sting from the fabric attacking their butts and crushing their balls. Then, they felt their bodies lift off the ground. Their feet were only about four feet off the ground, but it was enough to make a point. They moaned and screamed in pain and yelled to let them down. Everyone laughed and walked away. Now Tony and his best friend Carl were hanging by their briefs outside where everyone can see them. They were both extremely embarrassed. Since there was a lot of time before school started, they were hanging there for at least a half hour. That's when some of the teachers came out and helped them down. They were in so much pain. Since Tony did the same thing as Carl, he changed into a spare pair he had with him in his locker and went the rest of the day hiding in his gray hoodie.

Coming home from school, he drove up to the house and parked. He was still embarrassed at what happened that day. Isaac bopped into the house first, while Tony slowly walked up to the house. As he opened the door, he was greeted with a dodgeball to the face. He saw it was Jeff and he had more. Throwing a few more, Tony yelled stop a few times until one knocked Tony onto the ground. That's when Jeff ran up to Tony, reached into his pants and gave him a small wedgie. Tony was swatting at Jeff the entire time screaming for his to stop it. When he did, Tony went to his room and stayed in there for a few hours.

A while later, Tony came out of his room and walked around. He didn't notice his father anywhere, so he check his parent's room. There he was part of his body on the bed and his legs still standing on the ground. He was laying on his stomach. He must have been drunk and passed out that way. What Tony noticed was his father's tighty whities tucked into his pants. Tony was angry and saw it as a release vent.

Walking up to his dad, he grabbed onto the FTL waistband slowly. Then, he pulled the waistband off of his dad's back a little. Pulling down a bit, he got ready. Then, he yanked the briefs directly up into the air. The material began to stretch, the leg holes snapped into his father's ass and crushed his balls. For a moment, Chuck didn't move, then he picked his head up and began to swat at Tony. That's when he reverted to pulling the waistband up his back. Further and further he pulled, he leaned on his dad's back so he couldn't retaliate. Higher and higher, he eventually hooked the waistband onto his forehead without ripping it. But, he wasn't done yet. As Chuck relaxed, he felt more pain as Tony grabbed the leg holes and continued to pull them through his ass and caused more pain. Slowly, the undies started to rip and finally did at the leg holes. Finally letting go, Tony just walked away and went to bed as his dad just passed out on the bed. Oh what a day.

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Wedgie Story - by Wedgiemanatomic - 01-09-2019, 04:17 AM
RE: Wedgie Story - by Wedgiethebears - 04-20-2019, 08:38 AM
RE: Wedgie Story - by Wedgiethebears - 05-13-2019, 06:50 AM
RE: Wedgie Story - by Wedgiethebears - 05-13-2019, 06:50 AM
RE: Wedgie Story - by Wedgiethebears - 05-13-2019, 06:51 AM

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