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Meetup Anxiety?
Hey all, I was wondering if anyone else had issues with anxiety surrounding meetups? I love wedgies, and love the idea of giving/receiving from someone else, but I always end up getting extremely anxious and talking myself out of actually meeting with someone. Anyone else in a similar boat? How do you manage? Any advice on how to transition from online chit-chat to actual in-person meetups? I love that there's a whole community of other wedgie lovers out there, I just don't want to miss out on it!
It's always an awkward thing to be honest. At least for me lol. Always helps me to get to know the person a little bit and actually exchange some pics and stuff (not necessarily just wedgie stuff). It just helps when it's not all just all wedgies and there's a bit more chemistry.
Discord: Noob6737
Honestly, I still to this day get anxiety for reaching out to people to meet up. I agree with the other reply where you should try building a relationship/trust outside of the wedgie stuff before setting up a meet because it let's you realize they are people who have lives outside of the kink like you that just happen to have that kink as a common interest. What also helped me, however, was just going to a meet. It's the same with a lot of pivotal life events. You might be scared during the lead up to the event, but once you are there and start experiencing it, the anxiety begins to fade away and you begin opening yourself to enjoy the experience!
Thanks for the responses! I know there's a lot of truth to just needing to jump out of my comfort zone. Definitely something I need to work on, but it's good to know I'm not the only one that gets nervous about this stuff!
I remember feeling anxious for my first time, but after that it was easy.

I find it easiest not to chit chat too much in-person with whom I’m meeting with. Just stick to what we got together to do. I’ve never reached out or kept up connections after my meetups. Not because they weren’t great or nice people, but I just like separating my kink and non-kink life as I can.

There’s nothing to worry about!

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