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Risky Wedgie
So I’ve recently been thinking a lot about giving myself a few wedgies in public like either hanging my tighty whities up on a restroom handle or something and seeing if someone catches me and what they’d to. Like would they make fun of me, help me or give me wedgies themselves. So I was just wondering does anyone think I should do this and maybe post pics or vids here of it, and if so where should I try to do them?
That's a horrible idea
do not be mean haha. I do not think it’s necessarily horrible but it could be dangerous. People nowadays especially with this pandemic have not been in their right mind. They could act a way you would want but they could also act in a way that’s detrimental to your health. Imo it is not worth it, I rather you find a friend or someone that you can safely do this with. We’re men, 9/10 we be horny and not thinking clear.

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